Fundraiser Show

Written by Sarah Tuft

From the first crash at the Towers to a last goodbye at Ground Zero, 110 Stories takes us through 9/11 as told by those who were there. Based on interviews, this docu-play weaves together stories not shown on the news, from people we can relate to...a mother, a photojournalist, an ironworker, a chiropractor, and a homeless man who saved lives that day. Their unflinching, freaked-out and occasionally funny accounts take us back to when 9/11 was unimaginable, capturing the shock and horror of the day as well as the resilience of New York City in its aftermath. Remaining apolitical, 110 Stories memorializes September 11th by humanizing history to reveal our innate compassion.

**Please note that this is a fundraiser production. Patron Passes may not be used for any performance of 110 Stories.**

**This show will be performed as a staged reading. The script includes strong language and descriptions of violence.**

Director: Alayna Lauritsen, Assistant Director: Ella Crane, Producer: Bobbi Ann Lauritsen

Cast and Crew: Shane Beecher, Ruth Best, Sue Carpenter, Rick Henderson, Diana Hirsch, Anthony Holt, Cassie Jones, Ericka Kilbourne, Bobbi Lauritsen, Tom LeDonne, Kenzie Losinski, Laura Meyer, Christina Ortega, and Ken Siegfried

Produced with special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (